Release Notes: *************************************************************************** Version: Vigor3300B+, Vigor3300, Vigor3300V V2.5.7.5 [Fixed issues] 1. Move the output text of web page need to be translated to other language from cgi to html. Need to verify the following web page: System => System Status Network => WAN Advanced => DDNS QoS => Incoming Class Setup QoS => Incoming Class Filter QoS => Outgoing Class Setup QoS => Outgoing Class Filter 2.Fix ipsec failed when pppoe link down and up immediately. 3.Fix dhcp server assign duplicate IP to host. 4.Fix router crash when enable CPA. ****************************************************************************************** Version: Vigor3300V V2.5.7.4 Release [New features] 1. Add Bypass(Normal Mode) FAX mode. The original "Bypass fax mode" change to Bypass Proprietary FAX mode. This mode only for 2 Vigor3300V proprietary using. 2. Add user can change User-Agent Name Function. This function can let user change User-Agent Name at V3300V, default value is "Draytek V3300V-1.0.0". 3. Add Call without Registration Function. It will not sent REGISTER request while "Call without Registration" is set in per port setting. 4. Modify response for SIP NOTIFY. Modify response with 200 OK when receive SIP NOTIFY. 5. Modify Porland CallerID. Modify Porland CallerID Type DTMF to ETSI. 6. Add line reversal on both mode. It can do Line Reversal both callee on hook and callee answer mode. 7. Add Call Waiting feature. [Fixed issues] 1.Vigor 3300V NAT address mapping bug for PPPoE mode. 2.Fix SIP use intercall while Network failed issue. Fix SIP can not use intercall while SIP using outbound proxy to make call. 3.Fix ddos issue, router have low throughput when attacked by flooding, even enable ddos syn flood. 4.Enable multiple WAN and 802.1q VLAN, router cannot reset by web page. 5.Fix WAN DHCP issue, fail to get ip from Netgear WGR614v5 Cable router. 6.Fix p2p blocking fail using Foxy. 7.Fix pppoe fixed ip issue in UK, reject our fixed ip and give a dynamic one. 8.Fix static route bug, when router under 3300 lan using 2nd subnet, the host under the router cannot reach 3300'w WAN. 9.Fix p2p blocking fail using MSN 8.1 in Vista. 10.Fix ddns issue, fail to update IP for China ISP redirect advertisement page. 11.Fix using pppoa line with vigor100 bug. 12.Fix NAT loopback issue, client under lan but not 3300's lan subnet (using static route to another router under 3300's lan) cannot access server under 3300 using port redirection. 13.Fix port redirection issue, set a rule to a host, the source port of the host be changed through NAT. 14.Fix ipsec crash, dial from host to lan client more than 12 using vpn tool SSH Sentinel. 15.SIP use intercall while Network failed. When Network failed, SIP using extra speed dial to make call instead of using Proxy Server. ****************************************************************************************** Version: Vigor3300B+, Vigor3300, Vigor3300V V2.5.7.3 Release built date for firmware 3300B+, 3300, 3300V Release Wed Nov 29 18:01:03 CST 2006 [New features] (3300B+, 3300, 3300V) 1. Add IM/P2P blocking feature. 2. Add session limitaion feature in management. 3. User can set MTU size in PPPoE mode of WAN interface in WEB UI. 4. Add disable/enable option in port redirection function for each profile. 5. Add a telnet command to modify MAC address of LAN. => DrayTek/network/lan> mac ? 6. Enhance DMZ LAN function to be applied in HA feature. (3300, 3300V) 7. Add disable/enable option in VPN-PPTP/L2TP function for each profile. 8. Change VPN-PPTP remote dial-in server IP address to its own LAN IP address. [Fixed issues] (3300B+, 3300, 3300V) 1. User can use same username to connect to different ISP services via ADSL lines. 2. User can browse 3300 WEB quickly via MAC OS device. 3. Enhace static route function to be applied in HA feature. 4. User can login system with password length more than 8 characters. (3300, 3300V) 5. Fix the displaying errors in WEB about VPN-PPTP feature. Release Notes: ****************************************************************************************** Version: Vigor3300B+, Vigor3300, Vigor3300V V2.5.7.2 Release built date for firmware 3300B+, 3300, 3300V Release Thu Oct 19 15:56:51 CST 2006 [New features] (3300B+, 3300, 3300V) 1. Display memory size information on system status web page and CLI command. 2. Implement "!" sign in the prefix of IP address in IP Filter. 3. Add L2TP VPN feature for remote dial-in from client. 4. Enhance the PPTP/L2TP remote dial-in connections from 16 to 48 in proprietery. [Fixed issues] (3300B+, 3300, 3300V) 1. Fix an issue about H.323 pass-through feature. 2. Fix an issue about filter function failed once type a space in source/destination IP field. 3. Fix DMZ/Port Redirection issue when use multiple WAN with IP Alias. 4. Fix Bing IP to MAC issue in ARP table when ARP table is more than 299 entries. 5. Fix Bandwidth management feature to work fine when using class B or class A nerwork. 6. Fix Disable Ping from WAN issue to work correctly. 7. Fix WAN->DHCP feature that can not access Internet if IP changed. 8. Fix Time Schedule issue to work correctly when selecting weekdays option. 9. Fix Web display issue to show status correctly in PPTP=>Status page. 10. Fix an issue the packet still pass even the IP filter rule is inactive. 11. Fix an issue about the fragment IP filter rule failed. (3300, 3300V) 12. Fix an IPSec gateway replace issue when get a new gateway from WAN in PPPoE mode. 13. FAE-Vivian => Fix a VoIP failed issue while using DHCP mode in WAN interface. Release Notes: ****************************************************************************************** Version: Vigor3300B+, Vigor3300, Vigor3300V V2.5.7.1 Release built date for firmware 3300B+, 3300, 3300V Release Mon Jun 5 18:09:36 CST 2006 [New features] (3300B+, 3300, 3300V) 1. Add bandwidth limititation function. 2. Add IP Bind to Mac function, the algorithm is same with Vigor 2xxx. 3. Add port range and source port fields for QoS feature. 4. Add IP Alias function in PPPoE mode.(3300, 3300V) 5. Add a checking mechanism when management port is enabled, it will check the VID value whether it is set or not in 802.1Q VLAN feature. (3300V) 6. Add Rings by Round Robin option in VoIP Group settings. [Fixed issues] (3300B+, 3300, 3300V) 1. Fix an fail issue of DDNS feature to contact with DtDNS server. 2. Fix an issue of physical DMZ, host in LAN can not access router by using DMZ IP address. (3300, 3300V) 3. Fix DHCP over IPSec issue. 4. Fix QoS issue while using Outgoing/Incoming with IPSec. Release Notes: ****************************************************************************************** Version: Vigor3300B+, Vigor3300, Vigor3300V V2.5.7 Release built date for firmware 3300V 2.5.7 Release Thu May 4 17:18:30 CST 2006 [New features] (3300B+, 3300, 3300V) 1. Add SSH remote management function. 2. Add static DHCP function. 3. Implement IP routing function by using multiple WAN interfaces. 4. Add physical DMZ function in WAN interface. 5. Add an option to turn on or turn off for management in http, telnet and SSH functions. 6. Add an option "block" or "allow" to match key words in URL Filter web page. 7. Add LFI(Link Fragmentation and Interleaving) with using MTU in QoS. (3300, 3300V) 8. Add tag-based VLAN with multiple LAN interfaces. 9. Add the direction of DMZ and VPN options in IP Filter function. 10. Add encryption without authentication proposal in VPN-IPSec. 11. Add NAT Traversal of IPSec function. 12. Add an option "Accept all proposal" in the proposal field of Phase1 and 2 in IPSec Advanced Web page (3300V) 13. Add Single Codec function in VoIP, it can be disable or enable. 14. Add line polarity reversal when callee answer the phone. 15. Add Authentication ID in VoIP protocol. 16. add sip message log, in the CLI \voip>siplog [Fixed issues] (3300B+, 3300, 3300V) 1. Fix an issue PPTP(for internet) input checking in WAN interface. 2. Block routing packets from WAN to LAN directly in NAT subnet. 3.Fix ip routing failed when lan is not a subnet of wan. (Reported from Henrik) 3.Add ntp-client time interval option. (Wish list ID #1423) 4.Fix bug Exception List of URL filter failed, the 5th to 8th entry of Exception List. 5. CPA initializing is ok with PPPoE mode. 6. #1612 => Enhance the Network-LAN(2nd) to mapping WAN interfaces. (3300, 3300V) 7. Fix an issue of IPSec dialing-in when receiving disconnect from 2800. 8. Fix an issue about that VPN-PPTP can not block packet from PPTP client to LAN host which is not in "Accessed IP". 9.Fix ipsec failed with 2 WAN and one is fixed pppoe ip. (Bugs ID #1412) 10.Increase speed for ipsec disconnect and reconnect when WAN interface down and up. 11. #1407 => Domain name issue resolved when peer change IP for IPSec. 12. Fix memory leak issue of PPTP remote dial-in. 13. Fix IPSec hang issue when set AES for phase 1 proposal. 14. #1656 => allow to setup the remote subnet which includes the local subnet for IPSec (3300V) 15. Modify dial tone frequency for Australia area. 16. #1526 => After receiving 200 OK response, 3300V sends ACK request to a incorrect IP address. 17. fix the bug in Manually Input NAT IP Address for NAT Traversal. 18. add MGCP domain name endpoint style 19. fix STUN function for MGCP NAT Trversal 20. fix MGCP transparent fax in NAT 21. Enhance the registration status to be stable more to VOIPGATE proxy server. 22. #1867 => Enhance the line reversal feature of VoIP in all phones to accept abnormal flash signal. 23. #1494 => 3300V can register Broadvoice SIP account which works well on 2900V router. 24. #1592 => In Advanced Speed Dial settings, it can work well. (VigorCMS) 25. #1027 => VigorCMS can not manage 3300 if user configures Port Re-direction with port 161, 162. [END oF FILE]